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See Sales Faster with GPT-Powered AI

Powerful AI-based technology built like the largest companies in the world, but designed with the small business owner in mind. It's our goal to provide you a way to market your business everywhere online, giving you better results, more sales and for less money. No marketing experience required!

Sign upfor a Kliken Ads account

...setup your ad your target audience, interests, images, and business elements

...select a budget your ad campaign with a budget that fits your needs

...see your results campaign results on your dashboard

Finding new customers has never been easier

Grow your business with a partner that understands you, and your goals. It doesn't matter what kind of business you own, with Kliken as your partner you can focus on what matters most: your success

Woman shopping on her phone

E-Commerce Stores

Purchase decisions start with a simple online search. make sure your products and your store stay in front of shoppers as they browse for their next purchase. From automatic product feed syncs to fully optimized shopping ads across the Open Web, Kliken Ads is the marketing solution you've been looking for to get and keep your products in front of customers.

Woman photographer

Service Businesses

In less than 10 minutes, you can build a world-class display ad that will ensure your business stands out in the crowd. Kliken Ads leverages GPT technology to make the ad creation process seamless from start to finish from optimized image selection to AI-suggested headlines and descriptions - Kliken Ads takes the guesswork out of marketing your business.

Kliken has been incredible for our business. It simplifies the process of running online ads, which can be a major headache! We have had tremendous success with Kliken Ads. We highly recommend working with Kliken.

cake safe logo

RachelChief Marketing Officer

6x* return on Advertising Spend

200m+* in sales for our customers

1.5m+small businesses served

5 min* to build your ad campaign

* customers using paid advertising solutions from Kliken

Effortlessly Boost Conversions, Leads and Sales

Effortlessly drive conversions and sales with our optimized marketing solutions while running marketing campaigns tailored to your business and ideal target audience.

Woman wearing suite in front of e-commerce illustration

Sell more products

Grow your online store with powerful advertising solutions built to drive sales. Ensure you are staying in front of the right customers, ready to buy what you are selling, with Contextual Lifestyle Targeting from Kliken Ads.

Collect leads

Fill your sales pipeline and bring in new clients with Kliken Ads for service businesses. Our platform was built for businesses just like yours to increase visibility and drive new leads directly to your website across the Open Web.

Increase visibility

Get your business noticed across the Open Web with Kliken's marketing solutions. We'll handle the complexity while you focus on running your business.

Bring customers back

Over 85% of online shopping carts get abandoned. Remind customers that have visited your site or purchased from you before why they love your products. Our custom-built, Smart Retargeting technology will serve ads based on what they have viewed and what they are likely to purchase.

Woman wearing suite in front of e-commerce illustration

We're in this together

Our intimate knowledge of what it takes to run a small business allows us to tailor our products and services to fit the needs of small businesses alike. It’s our mission to see our customer’s thrive. That's why we want have tons of resources dedicated to ensuring you have everything you need to run a successful campaign and grow your business.